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Connecting top AI Engineers with forward-thinking companies.

At Sharc, we believe that cutting-edge ideas require exceptional talent. By bridging the gap between visionary organizations and skilled AI engineers, we’re helping businesses unlock new possibilities in machine learning, data science, and beyond.

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For Recruiter

Hire Expert AI Engineers

Accelerate your organization’s AI innovations with our curated network of top-tier AI professionals.

For Candidates

Find My Next Opportunity

Propel your AI career forward with exclusive roles tailored to your unique skills.

What We Offer

AI Recruitment

We connect you with top-tier AI Engineers, Data Scientists, and specialized developers trained to tackle today’s most complex challenges. Our rigorous vetting process ensures every candidate matches your technical and cultural requirements.

AI Interview Bot

Revolutionize your screening process with automated candidate interviews and data-rich insights. Hairo saves you time, reduces bias, and delivers reliable analysis so you can focus on the best-suited talent.

AI Talent Options

Choose from Junior, Mid-Level, or Senior professionals across development, design, and more—each level proficient in relevant AI tools. Our tiered approach ensures you find the right expertise for every project phase. By combining human expertise with AI-driven solutions, SHARC empowers you to hire smarter, innovate faster, and stay at the cutting edge of technological progress.

Why us?

Building a dream team from scratch or searching for that missing puzzle piece? We’ve handled it all before

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Our standard recruitment fee is 5%, subject to factors like location and role complexity.



Receive a tailored selection of candidate profiles in seven days, all aligned with your needs.



On average, it takes us just 15 days to successfully close any given position.

  • Recruitment
  • AI Jobs
  • Hiring
  • Recruitment
  • AI Jobs
  • Hiring

AI & Machine Learning


Data Science & Analytics

Cloud Services


Testing & Quality


Our Happy Clients

At Sharc, we believe that cutting-edge ideas require exceptional talent.

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